7 New Home Upgrades that Could Save Your Life

One of the best things about moving into a new home is personalizing it and really making it yours. From hanging wall art to arranging furniture to finding the perfect spot for your grandmother's hand crocheted afghan, it's a real joy to decorate. But are you forgetting about the big investment you just made? Consider the following important home upgrades that will protect your home and your family. 1. Smoke Alarm Take an afternoon and upgrade all your new home's smoke alarms. Smoke alarms save lives and it's not worth it to assume that just because it's there it's working.  2. Carbon Monoxide Alarm Do the same upgrade with your carbon…
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Renovations That Improve Resale Value And Those That Don’t

Those who want to renovate a home usually do this to make it more spacious, improve its condition, and to add amenities. However, it is also important to consider if the renovation has the potential to add value to a home. Unless the plan is to live in the same place for life, there is a strong likelihood that, at some point, the home will go on the market for sale. It is nice if it sells for a high price and there is some profit for the seller in the transaction. It is not the amount spent on renovations that is the key consideration. In fact, spending a lot of…
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